PCA International
laboratorio di progettazione coordinata e integrata



MPC, Progettazione architettonica
Clean ed., Napoli 1991, 72 pp.

The text was created as a specification of the Programme of the Course in Architectural Design 2°, Faculty of Architecture of the University of Naples, and summarizes its thesis and references.  Aimed at final year students, the course is articulated on different levels, referring to the objectives, method and instruments of design. The integration and the symbiosis “meaning/form/function” are assumed as the deep structure of the project. The topics dealt with revolve around them, grouped as “References and meanings”, “The definition of architectural form”, “Functional organisation”. Some notes on the relationship between “Architecture and the logic of technologies” and some information on “project management” close the discussion. Each group of topics is divided into sub-themes, with synthetic assumptions and bibliographical references. The final part is a guide to the exercises, without the intention of creating a manual, but with the aim of offering, in an orderly manner, topics for reflection during the process of defining the project.

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