PCA International
laboratorio di progettazione coordinata e integrata

1975 – Pozzuoli, Recupero del Rione Terra

1975 – Pozzuoli,  Recupero del Rione Terra
TYPE Rehabilitation
YEAR 1976, concorso 2°premio

Seen as a simple building, the ancient acropolis of Pozzuoli is given new life by the re-organization of pre-existing archeological remains in the new urban structure, which date back to different historical periods.
The project provides foe five intervention nodes to graft the whole onto the surrounding context; namely:
–    The “slanting square” and the “large square” towards the existing city
–    The fishermen’s harbour
–    The “large Cave”, where archeological exploration will start.
Due to these new connections in fact the Acropolis becomes part of a larger urban scheme which links together the Serapeo, the ancient Roman port, the amphitheatre.