PCA International
laboratorio di progettazione coordinata e integrata

Massimo Pica Ciamarra

www.wikipedia.org              qualified University Teacher 1969; from 1971 to 2007 Teacher of Architectural Design at the University of Naples/Federico II;  1977 Committee 30-Architecture / Council of Tall Building and Urban Habitat, Lehigh University-USA / Italian speaker in the 2nd World Congress “2001-Urban Spaces for Life and Work” Paris/UNESCO;  in 1991 a founding member of IDIS –Istituto per la diffusione e la valorizzazione della cultura scientifica;  1993/94 in “Ecoville-Europe”, Ministère de l’Equipement / Ministère de l’Environnement, Paris-La Villette;  from 1997 to 2011 IN/Arch National Vice-President 1997/2011 National Vice President IN/Arch;  from 2012 Vice-President of the “Fondazione Italiana per la Bioarchitettura e l’Antropizzazione sostenibile dell’Ambiente”;  President of the Scientific Committees of Bioarchitettura®, IN/Arch, Biennale di Architettura di Pisa 2017 (honorary); Professor I.A.A. International Academy of Architecture;  1997 In France, as the President of O.I.A.-Observatoire International de l’Architecture / Paris– promoted the project for the “Directive européenne sur l’architecture et le cadre de vie”; in 2018 promoted “Civilizzare lUrbano – ETS

www.lecarrebleu.eu           from 2006 Editor in Chief of “Le Carré Bleu, feuille internationale d’architecture” / Paris which launched the manifesto “Fragments-Symbiose” and l’”Appel à idées – une idée pour chaque ville” under the Patronage of UNESCO ; in 2008 proposed the project of “Declaration of Human Duties” concerning habitat, which in its issue n°1/2011, launched the project -with BioA and IN/Arch- “Literacy to Ecology and the Quality of Architecture”; 2014 “Re-civilising the Urban”;  2016 “Towards a new cycle in Architecture”; 2017 “OrbiTecture”

among his books: Verso il Codice della Progettazione, CivETS 2019; Civilising the Urban, LCB 2018;  Integrare – il progetto sul finire dell’età della separazione, Jaca Book 2010; Etimo: costruire secondo principi – architettura e trasformazione dello spazio abitato, Liguori 2004; Interazioni – principi e metodi della progettazione architettonica, Clean 1997;  La cultura del progetto – notizie / nozioni / azioni, Graffiti 1996; Qualità e concezione del progetto, Officina 1994; Città futura (a cura) – Alternative per il prossimo millennio, Cuen 1988; Architettura e dimensione urbana, Ceec 1977

among his “English short writings”: This is my philosophy; Preconditions of Harmony; From “Non-Places” to “Places of Social Concentration”; Outside and Inside the University; Sustainability sustains Architecture; Messages in the bottle; …

www.pcaint.eu                    since 1985 various monographs, last: Antonietta Iolanda Lima, From urban fragments to ecological systems – The Architecture of Pica Ciamarra, Jaca Book, Milano 2019 (English edition, translation by Colum Fordham); Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi, Massimo Pica Ciamarra, l’onnivoro, Collection “Italian Architects”, Artribune 2017

Thirty achievements in the “Selezione delle opere di rilevante interesse storico-artistico 1945-2005“ and in “Censimento Italiano delle Architetture Italiane del secondo Novecento” MiBac 2018 Among the best known: Angus Plants (IN/Arch 1969 Prize); Multipurpuse Unit in Arcavacata of the University of Calabria (Prizes: A.I.P. 1973; Regione Calabria 2007); The Departments of Pharmacy (Gold Medal of the University of Messina); Aula del Quadrifoglio (Seal of the University of Basilicata 1987); the Istituto Motori of CNR and the Square of Fuorigrotta (finalist of the International Award for Innovative Technology in Architecture, Sidney 1988; Aragonese Prize 1991); Teuco/Guzzini Haedquartes in Recanati (Prize: Architettura Tecnologia Ambiente – ENEA/SAIE 1998); the Sangiorgio Library in Pistoia (Honourable Mention 2017- Club and Centres Federation for UNESCO); The City of Science in Bagnoli (Trophées “Sommet de la Terre et Bâtiment”; finalist Triennale di Milano, Medaglia d’Oro all’Architettura italiana 2003; Dedalo Minosse Prize 2004); Corporea, Museum of Human Body

from the 1987 monographic exhibition in Rome / Paris / Dublin / Bruges / Rio de Janeiro / Curitiba / San Paolo / Brasilia / Lanciano / Siviglia / Aix en Provence / Pisa / Cimitile; from 2013 permanent in the MAMT / Museo Mediterraneo delle Arti, Musica e Tradizioni: Pica Ciamarra Associati – Utopia / Realtà; from 2016 in the MUVA / Museo virtuale di Architettura: Pica Ciamarra Associati – Virtual Trip in 50 Years of Theory and Planning Practice; Napoli 2018: Civilising the Urban – The Architecture of Pica Ciamarra Associati

among the prizes:  1969 IN/Arch Campania; 2004 S.Valentino d’Oro; 2010 SiebenArchi; 2014 Sebetia-ter; 2015 Andel / La cultura della città; 2016 Fondazione OAPPC-NA / Career Award; 2017 Award Italian Institute for the Future / Center of Near Space; 2017 Premio Mileto/Filocamo alla ricerca ed innovazione scientifica; Cenacolo della Cultura e delle Scienze / Premio Cultura 2018; Premio Mediterraneo “Architettura” – Special edition 2018


IAA – International Academy of Architecture: M.Pica Ciamarra